Somehow I wasn't aware of this book, but I'm now really eager to read it - I shall add it to my [ever-expanding] TBR but save it for next winter.

I've always been a lover of winter, but I suppose it might be a wee bit different when you have to put up with the Canadian winters. I wrote a post recently titled 'Embrace winter' where I attempted to share my love of winter - I know it can be a tough sell for some, we're all so eager for the warmer weather to arrive, but I'm one of those weird creatures that would probably be happy with a year-round winter!

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Ah, the teetering TBR pile ;-) I'm hoping to have coffee shortly and read your Embrace Winter post! It's beautiful here today, snowy, cold, but lots of sun and blue skies.

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I purchased the book and it eventually arrived... now I'm savouring the wait of getting started while I finish a motivational book I was already reading (slowly) as I didn't want them to create conflicting responses... and, while it is summer over here, I'm looking forward to it being something that leads me into the winter season.

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I'm curious as to the motivational book--I've been reading Meditations for Mortals alongside this (and the very delightful The Wedding People, too, which made me giggle!)

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Here is another truth about wintering: you’ll find wisdom in your winter, and once it’s over, it’s your responsibility to pass it on. And in return, it’s our responsibility to listen to those who have wintered before us....I was just saying to a friend this am that I am now very vocal about menopause and how you don't have to suffer all the "shit" before you can get some relief. Sadly my doctor was all about "no meds" but there are options now so I am going to be vocal for my younger friends. Paying it forward ...in this season past that wintering. Although it is laid out in months I read it in my head as "wintering a bad season" not wintering an actual season.

I didn't slowly ponder it though as the library system only gives one 3 weeks!

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Thanks, Bernie! I'm so grateful for women like you who do share because I'm so in need of all that advice. I have been reading and thinking and learning so that I can make this shift in my own body more manageable--as best I can.

And I love your interpretation of wintering a bad season rather than an actual season...

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I've been reading this book every fall and winter for years now. The first couple of years I devoured it quickly. Now I read it as it's laid out- month by month, bit by bit. Every winter season is different from the last and every year something new resonates and the dog ears proliferate!

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This is a wonderful way to approach this book. I notice it's been in all sorts of bestseller lists all over again this winter and I think it's because readers keep reading it and passing it on. Maybe I could start reading it every winter xoxo

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I was planning on reading the book but tomorrow we leave for three months on a trip to Asia via Hawaii and Australia so I’m thinking it probably won’t happen this time (unless my request to borrow the ebook from the library comes through!). I’m glad you’re enjoying the process of rereading and finding new insights. How does that saying go about never stepping into the same river twice? We’re never exactly the same person and like you said experiencing a different stage of life can change a book’s impact.

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Oh, that's such a good saying to think of--and I'm so glad you get to have such a brilliant trip. I can see that Wintering might not be quite the thing for that type of adventure! What will you be reading?

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I’m in the middle of Matt Haig’s The Life Impossible and also started Richard Powers’ Playground which both coincidentally involve diving and the ocean. Seems appropriate since we’re booked on a liveaboard diving trip in Raja Ampat next month. Have you read either?

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I haven't! But I've just ordered Matt Haig's book. I always enjoy his work!

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