Dogs have beautiful paws. Cats have sweet little toe beans! You are truly blessed with their presence in your life, and they are blessed with your love and caring :-)
I never owned a cat, only a dog once, but I do enjoy cats. One day when my mentor sent me a picture of her newly adopted kitten, a story came to me. This kitten was all black with white paws so the story came to be known as Please, Mr. Paws! This kitten is done being a kitten and wants to be a grown up cat right away. Somehow with the magic of Instagram I found a young mother and illustrator living in Southern Germany who did an adorable sketch for me based on the opening scene of my story. How crazy is this. I speak German fluently and pray that one day Anna will be my illustrator. I wish I could share this illustration somehow. Thank you.
Dogs have beautiful paws. Cats have sweet little toe beans! You are truly blessed with their presence in your life, and they are blessed with your love and caring :-)
I feel exceptionally lucky as I look out on the freezing world. It's a little hard to write, though!
I love both cats and dogs, but I currently have neither! After a lifetime of pet guardianship, it's actually nice to not have any pets at all.
I never owned a cat, only a dog once, but I do enjoy cats. One day when my mentor sent me a picture of her newly adopted kitten, a story came to me. This kitten was all black with white paws so the story came to be known as Please, Mr. Paws! This kitten is done being a kitten and wants to be a grown up cat right away. Somehow with the magic of Instagram I found a young mother and illustrator living in Southern Germany who did an adorable sketch for me based on the opening scene of my story. How crazy is this. I speak German fluently and pray that one day Anna will be my illustrator. I wish I could share this illustration somehow. Thank you.