First, both photos in this post are gorgeous! The vultures and your face in the sunshine 😊

During the pandemic I took ALL forms of 'busy' out of my life. After being laid off work I adopted a puppy and have never gone back to life the way it was. She's now a giant dog and she loves/needs her outdoor time which makes me have to be out there with her. I have a new love of pushing aside anything resembling 'to-do' lists to go outside now.

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Even when it's snowing ;-)))) I love being pulled outside and took a run yesterday when it was sunny, before the clouds rolled in. I hear what you say on 'to-do' lists. For me, with ADHD, if I don't write it down, I lose it, so I have to strike balance...

The photo of the vultures is by someone called Chris. They are a little high up for me to have anything other than dark mounds in my pictures!

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I've never known if I have ADHD but I'm exactly the same. If it's not written down, it doesn't get done! I have lists everywhere and I work with an actual desk calendar book. I love paper calendars where I can cross things and days off.

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When I did the diagnosis with my doctor, I thought I maybe had it, so answering the questions and doing the testing was surprising and takes time to navigate. It was actually an interesting and useful process to go through.

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Alice, thanks for these pieces. Takes me back to a quick story and you'll see why. I was walking out of a library in Santa Fe, NM one day and saw a small woman bent over a table looking at a jigsaw puzzle with a thousand small pieces. I watched her take her time and put a couple of them into the growing picture and then said, out loud, "That looks very complicated." She looked up at me, smiled, and said, "It's like life, just little pieces fitting together." A wise woman!

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This is a beautiful story. A very wise woman, artfully and swiftly portrayed by you here. Thanks, Gary—just lovely.

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Hello Alice - I'm glad I saved this in my 'to savour' folder - I knew I needed to slow read this. Although I did get stuck looking at the Turkey vultures - those things are huge!

A great reflection-reflective piece, thank you!

When I started Substack, I closed my Facebook and Instagram accounts, and the only other 'social' account I have is LinkedIn for business reasons. I don't count the Carers Forum as social (although it is); it's more of a need.

These days I'm not one for rigidity otherwise I'd stress-out with frustration that nothing is met. I have 'intentions' and try to meet them

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Thanks for taking time to read this--I have a similar saved 'to read' pile, which like the books by my bed gather until I pause. I sometimes wonder if I want to put those social feeds back onto my phone, but I realise that I don't want to spend my time there in the way I used to and so I'm being patient. I just read a great piece about how we're practicing when we take a social feed away--in the way we'd train for a sport--and I liked that. I shared it in my notes, but I can't seem to tag it here.

Hope you're doing well. Good to hear from you!

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May 29·edited May 29Liked by Alice Kuipers

Hear you - I try to use the days I publish as days to read too—my little reward for having sent out the article ;-)

I confess to colour coding emails to read - by the ones I really want to read to 'only if I have time', and then there's a special purple colour for those I'm closer too ;-)


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I love this! I'm all about colour coding and have a four-colour pen and stickers that I'm really attached to ;-))) I'm not sure they work for emails ;-))))

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Try right-clicking on your mouse to see if little colour flags appear. I'm on Mac-mail and I've 5 email addresses, so the flags help me prioritise over all 5 ;-)

I do a mix of digital highlighting and hardcopy multicoloured mindmaps with an array of post-it colours like hot pink ;-)

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May 19Liked by Alice Kuipers

I have a limit for social media and even for just scrolling and looking up stuff and I try hard to stick with it. My downfall is Wordpress but it is a very supportive world in there and not negative at all.

I do miss parts of the pandemic lock down. I love days when I don't need to go somewhere - I stay at home and do "the list" but I also look at flowers or read or watch the farmer in the field.

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Watching the world put the window is such a good way for me to pause. I am trying to go outside more, too, getting into the space.

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I’ve removed much from my life these past few years. All I had was white space. And it’s what I needed. I’ve slowly filled in pockets with writing, my grandkids, my dog, Ryder.

I just finished reading Courtney Maum’s memoir Year of the Horses. She’s got a great substack, Before and After The Book Deal and workshops I’m really enjoying (and learning a lot). My greatest pleasure these past few weeks is building and planting my veggie garden. 🪴

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The memoir sounds like one I'd enjoy--and my father, too. He loves horse. I'll check out her Substack now!

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What beautiful writing Alice! Well, to answer your question, the thing I added to my life is reading you! And I am so glad! I am very selective about my 'input' - what I read, and what I don't read. So, no instagram and FB for me. Ever. I don't do scrolling. I see it as junk food. Quick, easy, and rarely ever nourishing. I prefer to stick with Substack. And I start my day - with coffee! - reading poetry. In Spanish at the moment. This is how I treat myself as a writer, mother and human being. This 20 minute daily practice really helps to center me. I have noticed that I am a much kinder, calmer mother since I've been doing it. No matter how moody my teenager daughters might be. Sending much beauty and awe your way.

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Poetry in Spanish sounds so soothing. My moody preteen and I watched the first episode of Bridgeton last night and I'm still delighted by the show and the fact she wanted to hang out with me! Thank you for the beauty and the awe and the kind words. They are much appreciated as I tackle my novel today...

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May 17Liked by Alice Kuipers

Love these pieces ... The white space 🤍

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It feels like a page, that white space, a little scary, and so needed...

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May 17Liked by Alice Kuipers

Latest book recommendation: Unearthing by Kyo Maclear. Perhaps you’ve already read it? I thoroughly enjoyed the breaks from my phone while I immersed myself in this beautifully written book.

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I love her work so much and have this in my bookshelves. I need to go and find it for the long weekend. Thanks, Kiyomi xoxox

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May 17Liked by Alice Kuipers

Yes! I firmly believe that good things always come from making more space. I don't have social media on my phone anymore, and my life is more peaceful for it. I recently stopped listening to writing podcasts in the morning and instead listened to music. It was amazing how many ideas popped in when I created that space. You have reminded me to do that again, as the old habit of filling my quiet time with other people's words has crept back in...

PS. I thought you might be interested to know the spiritual meaning of vultures, since this is what has drawn your attention.

Vultures are symbols of death, rebirth, purification, patience, protection, and new beginnings. Seeing a vulture is a sign to let go of the things that no longer serve you and embrace change. Vultures are considered a positive omen of new beginnings.

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Oh, I love this so much. I had no idea about vultures and I've been watching them every day: this gives a whole nuance. Thank you! I do note what you're saying about how other people's words creep back in...and the other things in life, too. Glad you're having ideas and creating space!

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May 17Liked by Alice Kuipers

I'm so glad this resonated with you. I like to believe that when you see an animal or bird a lot, or you see them in an unusual situation, they often have a message for you. I always look up the spiritual meaning of that creature, and it's often very appropriate!

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I think about it here in Saskatoon because we have Wanuskewin close by, an Indigenous heritage site that shares stories and concepts of land and creatures that teach me to pay more attention. I am really grateful for your insight on vultures today. It feels meaningful—I first noticed them the day I began my funeral celebrant training.

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May 17Liked by Alice Kuipers

Oh wow. That's so beautiful, and makes so much sense, as another note I found was 'a guardian or messenger between life and death, the physical world and spiritual world'

Sounds perfect to me. Your new path sounds exciting. Wishing you lots of luck for your training!

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